Thursday, June 02, 2011

My Smash Book

I had a load of fun making my own Smash book, based on the K&Co idea but using up old stash which I probably wouldn't have used otherwise. Also used up rubons and stickers, and borrowed a BIA to get it looking professional. Used a Gottacraft crop kit for the cover papers, added some chipboard butterflies and it's now in use.

I'm not going to scrapbook in it. I'm going to use it as a gathering point for ideas, quotes, inspirations, ephemera and so on - and when it gets full, I can make another one.


Sandra said...

It's a really lovely looking one Ali - I don't suppose the real smash books will look anywhere near as good as that when they're released.

I can't wait to make my own now. You and Jo have inspired me.

Katherine said...

What a fab idea - and beautiful book :)

Jo said...

That is a beautiful book Ali

Sue Jones said...

Brilliant - even more so that you used old stasH :)

fatmonica said...

It's great!So much better and more personal than a shop bought one.What a great way to use up stash!

Emy said...

Your smash book looks fab - have fun filling it up!

yvette said...

It is lovely Ali, beautiful colour on the front cover. I want to make one now!! I hope you have fun filling it up, would love to see it.

vixen said...

Fantastic Your smash books look Excellent :)