Just got back from a week camping in Somerset and my prayers were answered indeed - it hardly rained and my new wellies are unworn and pristine!!
Have just received an award from Jo, my lovely crop friend over at Buckingham's Palace. I am very touched to receive this, and now have to share 7 things about me:
1) I was born within the sound of the Bow Bells.
2) My ancestry is a mixture of Welsh, Irish, English and a very small drop of Italian.
3) I love Middle Eastern food.
4) One day I would like to travel all the way down the west coast of the Americas, from Alaska to Chile
5) I hate anything flavoured with Cola
6) I am terrified of spiders and crawly things
7) My favourite song is Phatfish - There is a Day.
And passing the baton on - with a nod to Jo, and Sandra who was also nominated by Jo and whose blog I love, here are some of my favourite blogs:
Cheryl at 'and handmade too'
Emy at Emy's crafty blog
Geralyn at In a Creative Bubble
Sutty at Fruit of My Scraps
Lynnda at ArtyScrappy, who I've followed through Twisted Sketches
Emilie at Emilie's Scrapbook
Monica at Chasing Art
I don't know all these ladies, but I have received so much inspiration from their blogs, thank you one and all.