Saturday, September 24, 2011

Belated! Sketch of Last Week!

Well, I finally got there!  I'm usually behind and often don't even get to do the Sketch of the Week, but Shimelle's sketch and video here took my fancy.  So better late than never, another layout from my CKCB September kit, I think it's the third one, or maybe the fourth :)

Storming through my kit - I think I might get two more LOs from it.  This one features Sassafras Indie Girl, October Afternoon Boarding Pass, Coredinations and Bazzill c/s, rubons and large brad from Basic Grey, Brads from WRMK, Prima crochet flowers, Maya Road tickets, 7 Gypsies stickers, prima packaging, Woodware punches, little foam stickers from Paperchase - what a lot of product on one LO!


Elaina said...

Really nice LO, great way to keep memories.

Sandra said...

Great layout

Katherine said...

Great page, love the blue crochet embellishments :)